The Tales of Ocean

The story of Ocean Experience is one of exploration and reconnection to Nature. One hundred fifty years later, the stories have evolved into tales of yoga retreats, meditation moments, culinary creations and eco-conscious efforts powering this cozy corner of Koh Phangan. Surrender to the stories of Ocean, against a backdrop of turquoise waters, natural bungalows and jungle paradise.

Ecotourism Tiffany Wen Ecotourism Tiffany Wen

How Nature Can Inspire an Inner Retreat

In this time of crisis, we are at a crossroads. To see reality as overwhelm or as opportunity. As we observe Nature right now, we see pollution lifting in the countries usually hardest hit by industry and production. As we all retreat into solitude, we invite you to see this moment as one of desirable solitude and connect to the elements of Nature within. Your inner retreat is yours to create.

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Ecotourism Tiffany Wen Ecotourism Tiffany Wen

Retreat Venue Meets Eco-consciousness in Thailand

Ocean Experience began with a clear mission from day one. This was twenty two years ago, back when the island of Koh Phangan was a different place altogether. Roads were practically nonexistent and palm trees reigned the island in fifty shades of green. Nature danced in carefree abandon. The waves lapped against unspoiled sandy shores.

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